©Nancy L. Meek 2003

If I were a goose,

I'd live near a lake,

shake my caboose

and flirt with some drake.

I'd wink and I'd waddle

and act quite the pris

and with my beak lips

I'd give him a kiss!

Kiss me, you cutie!

Then, when he came to,

we'd take off together,

soar over mountains

two birds of a feather.

I'd lay all his gooslings

or whatever they're called

and nag him for bread

until he goes bald.

I'd threaten him twice

if he didn't fly right

to pluck out his eyes

with all of my might!

I'd not ask for flowers

for a vase I'd have none

but to spend all my hours

with him 'neath the sun.

We'd fly and we'd race,

get soaked when it rains,

and stop by your place

and poop on your panes.

I'd honk some fool greeting

wave farewell with my wing

for time is quite fleeting

and I never could sing.

With young ones beside us

and winter soon nigh,

I'd put up a fuss

'til south we would fly.

Let's make like a bird and fly!

Then somewhere in the air

in some southern state,

We'd leave our babes there

to make their own fate.

Then we'd make like the wind,

my feathered friend and I

the clouds, our kith and kin,

our home, the open sky!

There's no place like home!  There's no place like home!

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Castle Chambers...Poetry by Lilripple

Song playing is "Twilight" ©Vic Sagerquist
Vicman's Original Midi Files

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