![]() ©Nancy L. Meek 2003 Until someone comes up with a better plan when tyrants rise up, some of US will stand detecting through the silence the gutteral cries of those held captive by the master of lies; So, off to war we will go once again sacrificing our own to ease their pain loosening shackles that bind the weak who suffer in silence even as we speak. ![]() Everyone knows that war brings death unspeakable atrocities within its breadth while parents wring their hands in fear the elite will claim their child this year. Potential martyrs for a vicious king pubescent soldiers in allegiance sing, sacrificed so their families will be fed "Give me your son or you will be dead!" A child is viewed as a human shield... a defensive weapon on the battlefield clutched and held to a soldier's breast his life expendable to the tyrant's best. A courageous few, sickened by it all have their tongues, in turn, nailed to a wall examples for the benefit of anyone there who might be inclined to show they care. Such is the way of madmen possessed who torture their citizens, totally obsessed with instilling fear to make them obey that is, until someone makes them pay. ![]() One day is equal to a thousand years to those who live paralyzed with fear Can't you hear the cries from where you are... pointing your finger from a distant star? What would Jesus do in such a case... just turn His back on the human race chuck it all, exclaiming, "What the hell! So what if they are suffering. Oh well!"? Would He simply ignore their muffled cries let them be duped by the master of lies or would He hold them in a loving embrace teach them to know the enemy's face. Answer me this: In a world gone astray, who down here will run to save the day until Our Father decides to settle the score judging our fruits when kings declare war? We do what we must...what we feel is right when sadistic tyrants would rather fight than answer pleas from a weary world taunting our leaders with evil unfurled. ![]() Sometimes, it's the big stick we pick regardless of the fact it makes some sick to think more tyrants might rise later on to fuel the fight once the others are gone. So, what do you do? Please tell me true until Our Lord stands there looking at you asking, "What did you do in my name when tyrants chose our brothers to maim? ![]() Did you approach the king's front door with an offer of peace instead of a war implore him to cease his sadistic ways firmly inform him, 'Deceit never pays!'? And then, did you wash your hands of him take matters into your own because of them who were just too afraid to speak their mind as they dreamed of a life of a better kind? Did you remember my commandment to love as war hawks debated with peaceful doves taking into account the sacrifices ahead as you marched your men into a sea of dread? ![]() Did you pray your head be anointed with oil as your brave men bled on that foreign soil? Did you pray for wisdom on the right thing to do as more tyrants focused their eyes on you?" ****************** by Nancy L. Meek 2003 ![]() All eyes are on US in the wake of the fall now, more than ever, we must rise to the call instruct our brothers in the way they should go praying all the while that closer we'll grow. Let our relentless efforts not be in vain in the aftermath of an evil tyrant's reign. Let them cast their eyes upon our ways bestowing hope they will know brighter days. ![]() Let them see that compassion and love residing in the hearts of both hawk and dove, the abiding respect we have for mankind but let US not be the blind leading the blind! All eyes are on US in the wake of the war as angry fingers point from every shore judging US harshly for what we have done believing victory merely ours to be won. Let US pray for wisdom in the days ahead as we shower them with water and bread as we teach them what it means to be free to birth a new Eden without tyranny. ![]() Then, may we, after all the work has been done, raise our tired yet humble eyes toward The Son in gratitude for those warm and ceaseless rays thankful that all eyes are on US these days. ![]() ![]() May we stand proud in the wake of the fall Showing, by example, who we truly are: One Nation Under God...Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All! God Bless America, Our Allies, The Oppressed and Our Gallant Soldiers, Here and Abroad! |