Let there be Peace on Earth
for hearts that are suffering still;
Let passion for God see a rebirth
that we may surrender to His will;
Let no evil confound us, Lord,
as we struggle through each day,
Oh, we praise You in one accord
for we know You are the way.
You're the Comforter we need;
the Blessed Savior from our sins;
our most Faithful Friend indeed
when we face those evil winds.
You're the Rock on which we stand
while others would let us drown;
You're there with an open hand
to pull us up to solid ground.
Your Holy Spirit hears our groans
transporting our sorrows above
It's true, Lord, we never walk alone
for You support us with Your Love.
Heavenly Father, we ask for Peace
for every poor soul filled with strife
for weary hearts who seek release
from a world that devalues life.
Please help those who hold no Hope
that a Better Life will one day come;
Grant them Peace so they may cope
until this battle with evil is done
For Peace is what we need today
while battle drums around us beat
'til You whisk our souls away,
parting the tares from the wheat.
Peace on Earth is our humble prayer
for brothers and sisters laid low
who suffer, death and despair
being the only life they know.
Let us not falter and lose our way
as a fresh new year dawns on men;
Let there be Peace on Earth today
a Brighter Tomorrow for souls therein.
Thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer
May Your holy sovereign will be done
here on Earth as it is in Heaven there
In the name of Jesus, Your Living Son.