A Carpenter By Trade
With good wood, He'd make things new,
skilled carpentry His destined trade;
thus, with nails and wood He grew
while Mary smiled at all He made.
It was her name Jesus would call,
as all children are moved to do
whenever in youth they trip and fall;
thus, to His side His mother flew.
"I'm here!"...she'd reassure Him
as she would help Him to His feet.
Her words of comfort to Him back then
became a promise she would keep.
For lo, there came that blessed day
His rough-hewn cross did throw Him down;
Watching, helpless, what could she say,
but, "I'm here!"...as He hit the gound?
As He gazed into her tear-filled eyes,
He could see her heart tearing in two;
thus, He said to her woeful cries,
"Look, Mother, I make all things new!"
Thus, with nails and wood He died...
a gift to the world she could not save,
God's Only Son she birthed with pride
and Mary cried for all He gave.
In a carpenter's shoes, He walked
from a boy to a cross on a hill.
Moving hearts with passion, He talked
of a new home His Father would fill.
The builder of God's house is He
trading Himself for the sins of all;
nailed-to-wood His earthly destiny...
making all things new...His call.
He knows the motives of every heart
loving us despite the things we do.
"I'm here!"...His message to impart...
"Look, my children, I make all things new!"