Experienced best using Internet Explorer-Full Screen(600x800) "Independence Day" By Gary Jacobson ©2002 For those who shed their blood for you. When the red, white and blue Streaks the sky, Remember those who for their flag On faraway soil did bleed and die... Die that our children might in this land breathe free In this hallowed land of liberty. For America’s great destiny Lies in its right to choose. Honor our forefather’s brave precepts Or our brave country lose. So ever hail the red, white and blue, That on this day brings a teary eyed dew. Raise her banners high and higher, Celebrate with fireworks last gleaming fire, The rockets red glare, The bombs bursting in air. Unfurled in the stars and stripes might We fervently pray Never in vain will have been our fight. For with duty We offered our most revered birthright. Vet’s honored our grand old flag With supreme patriotism For freedom fought With gallant heroism Now we pray with sacrifices given stalwartly Our flag will fly on into the annals of history Flying forever over the land of the free... Waving over the home of the brave... ![]() Welcome Home By Gary Jacobson ©2002 I know it's late...but welcome home To our nation's choicest sons Who fought persevering might of guns Who answered our country's clarion call All giving some, but some giving all! Sent forth to preserve my liberty My land sanctified still because of thee Still brave, still free... Welcome home! Welcome home my honored soldier Gallant savior Responsible for the very air I breathe Who once dauntless, a beloved homeland did leave Sent to battlefields nourished by blood uncouth... Forsaking forever flowers of fairest youth Your heart bearing grave spirit’s brave Sent forth simply, our way-of-life to save... Welcome home! Welcome home He for whom there were no ticker-tape parades No greeting hurrahs, or accolades... No church bells peeling for joy When on silver birds home came our soldier boy No roses strewing the way No hearty cheer hurray No village lads and lassies gay No laurel wreaths then, or now Bestowed upon his loyal brow... ![]() Welcome home Accept now our belated, deserved cheers... To silence now those protesting jeers Haunting from dark of killing night To dawn’s purest light Riding into the voracious maw of hell Oh the stories of hell you'll tell As demons you still fight within Hearing in memory still that awful din... Welcome home! Welcome home My modern day knight Who fought with courageous force of will and might Sought by justice to restore the right... Sent forth to the land of the quick and dead Held aloft his banner by intrepid prowess led Governed by hallowed precepts evil men dread Where in sweltering heat, mind and body bled Because brave men their very life gives... Freedom lives! Welcome home oh lionhearted warrior Noble soldier Struggling through tears and fears Lo these many years My courageous brother-in-arms Who boldly went forth into a world of harms... For me...
God bless now your destiny... Welcome home! Welcome home Honorable soldier who rode that bestial carnivore Called war That demon whose ravenous spirit viciously tore At the very fabric of freedom Rent to tatters in Vietnam Before your time grown old and tired Now dejected...disillusioned...respected...much admired... Welcome home! Welcome home Heroes whose valor adorns in victory Duty crowned with diadem’s royalty Echoing in hallowed halls of history... He who by his good right arm mastered the foe That peace, planted in hope, might surely grow Stouthearted men who sacrificed all for me I, at long last, your honored glory see Oh valiant soul who helped very freedom be... ![]() Welcome home! Welcome home! Welcome home! *************************** Nancy L. Meek, ©2002 Lift up your voice. Follow me Thank the ones who kept us free Whether home field or Isle of Nam Offer prayers and an open palm Salute the brave, the tried, the true Who loved Liberty through and through Who clutched the torch and held it high Who ran with it to the battle cry For souls like me and you Who loved our country more than self Left comfort home upon a shelf Risked it all for freedom's hue Doing, of course, what they had to do For souls like me and you We have a choice. Follow them In faith; pave the way for future men Light of hope around them pearled Or live oppressed in a bitter world Evil is still alive on planet Earth Caring not for Freedom's worth Peace and Love beyond their grasp Doomed to Hell's eternal lock and hasp The soldiers die. The poppies blow Toward Heaven's fields, row-by-row Plucked from Earth; and by and by We, each, will reach beyond the sky To touch a petal where poppies grow Just souls like you and I *************** Another Welcome Home Poem...in honour of our Vietnam Veterans: "For Our Boys Who Made It Home" Click Banner For More of Gary Jacobson's Poetry and Vietnam Picture Tour: ![]() And...In Support of Our Troops Currently In Iraq, I Bring You: "Still Much to Do" and "War Boys" ![]()
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