Castle Chambers Welcome! You have entered my realm of poetry
Where my heart and hand collide
Emotions from the oceans of life
Are waiting for you inside!
"Read from some humbler poet
whose songs gushed from his heart,
as showers from the clouds of summer,
or tears from the eyelids start;
Who, through long days of labor,
and nights devoid of ease,
still heard in his soul the music
of wonderful melodies."
********* --Excerpt From: "The Day is Done"
By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
In the darkest of moments
a nation is wounded,
rights herself
and pushes on.
Her wounds give her strength
and urge her on to victory.
Time passes,
the wound heals
but leaves a mark.
The mark is her reminder
of what has been and could be again.
She does not forget.
--JO3 Jim Deken, USN
War Poetry (In memory of our heroes, who sacrificed so much for so many!)
***Except for this index page, every page on my site contains background music especially selected to enhance your experience while reading each poem. The song will begin playing after you click each link. Please adjust your speaker volume. To stop the music at any time, click on the "X" in your browser once the page has loaded. To restart the music, refresh the page.***
These next five war poems were written in my response to Gary Jacobson'sVietnam Picture Tour, where he has graciously flattered me by posting them to the poetry section of his moving website. Any of the next five links will take you to his site.....the Vietnam War as seen through the lens and poet's pen of a combat infantryman, with background music and action photos from the Vietnam War era.
Before you go, please bookmark this page so you can find your way back to read more of my poetry, especially the latest favorite of my readers,
"Behind Those Eyes", a poem for our soldiers in Iraq and for their families anxiously awaiting their safe return.
God bless whoever kept the following video online for 10 yrs.
It captures what I've tried to convey in my 9-11 poems.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video is worth 1,000 tears.
Contains many graphic pics and background music. Took me 4 mins to download, but worth every minute. Go grab a box of tissues and come back. Then brace yourself.
Next, is a video of the World Trade Center Attack (from
Warning: Viewer discretion advised. Video contains graphic pictures. Personally, I think the video should have been called: OH, GOD!!!
In my continuing effort to write on the effects of war, I invite you to visit the International War Veterans' Poetry Archives (IWVPA) of which I am very proud to be a member. The poetry on this site is a vast collection of poetry and prose composed and sent in by authors from every corner of the globe. I encourage you to spend some time here reading the poems on war, for war affects everyone to one degree or another.
My deepest gratitude goes to Anthony "Bushranger" Pahl, Australian Vietnam Veteran, talented and distinguished poet and former Door-Gunner with the RAAF, for his tireless efforts in designing and maintaining the archives.
Thank you, Tony! What would we do without you?
Your friend and fellow-poet, I am
Nancy "Lilripple" Meek
I have been chosen as the Top Poet at the IWVPA for March 2006. It is with great honor that I display the award graphic here. The graphic below will take you to the IWVPA Index of Honour Rolls and Awards.
My War Poetry Index at the "IWVPA"
My Non-war Related Poetry Index at the"IWVPA"
"The International War Veterans' Poetry Archives (IWVPA)is a loose association of poets who are either veterans of war, the partners/ex-partners of veterans, or members of families who have experienced war and the effects of war at first hand. The tie that binds us all is our united love of poetry, and our experience of war."
__Captain Michael Subritzky-Kusza PIRB (rtd)
International War Veterans' Poetry Archives, President
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All poetry composed by Nancy L. Meek, unless otherwise noted.
Reproduction of poetry and graphics is prohibited without prior authorization.
Icons and background on this page courtesy of Roxy's Renditions Thank you, Roxy!